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Tentang FILM

Film mempunyai banyak pengertian yang masing-masing artinya dapat dijabarkan secara luas. Film merupakan media komunikasi sosial yang terbentuk dari penggabungan dua indra, penglihatan dan pendengaran, yang mempunyai inti atau tema sebuah cerita yang banyak mengungapkan realita sosial yang terjadi di sekitar lingkungan tempat dimana film itu sendiri tumbuh. Film sendiri dapat juga berarti sebuah industri, yang mengutamakan eksistensi dan ketertarikan cerita yang dapat mengajak banyak orang terlibat. Film dihasilkan dengan rekaman dari orang dan benda (termasuk fantasi dan figur palsu) dengan kamera, dan/atau oleh animasi. Kamera film menggunakan pita seluloid (atau sejenisnya, sesuai perkembangan teknologi). Butiran silver halida yang menempel pada pita ini sangat sensitif terhadap cahaya. Saat proses cuci film, silver halida yang telah terekspos cahaya dengan ukuran yang tepat akan menghitam, sedangkan yang kurang atau sama sekali tidak terekspos akan tanggal dan larut bersama cairan pengembang (developer).  Film berbeda dengan cerita buku, atau cerita sinetron. Walaupun sama-sama mengangkat nilai esensial dari sebuah cerita, film mempunyai asas sendiri. Selain asas ekonomi bila dilihat dari kacamata industri, asas yang membedakan film dengan cerita lainnya adalah asas sinematografi. Asas sinematografi tidak dapat digabungkan dengan asas-asas lainnya karena asas ini berkaitan dengan pembuatan film. Asas sinematografi berisikan bagaimana tata letak kamera sebagai alat pengambilan gambar, bagaimana tata letak properti dalam film, tata artistik, dan berbagai pengaturan pembuatan film lainnya.

With this film we can be entertained, even could come late in the story content.
films also can educate a person, add insight, giving motovasi. But that if the film shows a good program to watch the movie connoisseur. Examples of films that educate it about love, caring, good social way but the opposite can also occur, sometimes not all good stories and educational films. An age filled with heavy competition these film makers sometimes forget the moral of the story the movie, even when the movie comes out produce pros and cons. if the movie is delivered to the community has no moral, ethical, and not concerned with the interests of viewers would be disappointed. Examples of films that do not educate pornographic films, violent films, and others. Present era of increasingly sophisticated, the way a person thinks the sooner, imagine a pregnant child under the age of the film due to unscrupulous growing every year. In order to minimize the cases of imitation of the movie scenes. Established an agency whose job is to filter out the film to be watched by the public. The institution named LSF (Film Censorship), in charge of giving permission to appear on film that will tanyang and watch all the people both young and old. Another reason for our country and Muslim countries, which could not be sordid scene indulgence or excessive intimate publicly that since it is incompatible with the religious teachings of Islam.
But the censors were not able to overcome the chaos of Indonesian film censorship without awareness of their own community. Plus the people of Indonesia now even more interested meyaksikan Hollywood movie, because it is technically and better presentation and fantasies are shown making moviegoers amazed. Little appeal to moviegoers, preferably if the film is presented, not to the age of 17 years and over, parents accompanying children to watch so that children are also protected from the spectacle that has not been properly witnessed by children under 17 years. thus the child can also be guided so that he knows where to be done in everyday life and the need to avoid. Nevertheless we should still stand on the part of Indonesian film, to appreciate the works of children of the country. And to the filmmakers should also think carefully used when making a film. Do not only counting the already well-known artists to raise the prestige of the film itself, the show also artists who are really talented in acting. So that's what would be a plus in a movie with a plot that quality without diembel-embelkan pornographic scenes.
All are also not the fault of the story or film maker terserbut. It all depends on us to choose an existing program. Making the film was not an easy thing there must be a story line, the placement scene, the selection of players, a very long time just for a movie. Love film products in the country, possibly with the participation of our film industry INDONESIA will get better with positive criticism aka tone input to film a more desirable by us.

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